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What if young people start to enjoy reading again…

Young people and reading: everyone knows that motivation is hard to find. It feels like a must; like eating cooked Brussels sprouts. With the enormous number of studies on poor reading skills among young people, a bookcase could be filled.

The situation is serious; a quarter of young people is not sufficiently literate, and the number of effective methods to stimulate reading behavior is painfully lagging behind. And that while our entire daily life consists of language, and being able to read well is a must to function optimally in our society. 

An enrichment of your life
But reading does so much more! Reading is important for the development and development of young people and for their personal growth. It strengthens empathy and concentration, it reduces stress and stimulates curiosity. How different from reading a fascinating book you are focused and relaxed at the same time. Enthusiastic and skilled readers accumulate social capital, their chances on the labor market are greater, and they find a responsible job more quickly. The conclusion is justified: READING MAKES YOU RICH!

The need is clear, now the solution!
The pleasure of reading and thus the enrichment of language skills and knowledge can only be achieved if young people read more and regularly. From reading to learn, to learning to read. Breaking the resistors is crucial. 

A number of those directly involved, a team of colleagues, teachers of Dutch at various VMBO and MBO schools, have taken up the challenge. They developed Booqio, an interactive digital platform with which primary school teachers, VMBO and MBO have an extremely effective method at their disposal to help their students find the joy of reading again. From boring to cool. From necessary to smart fun and playful.

Promote reading motivation
Booqio is a contemporary, supplementary education program in which young people motivate each other to read books. The students exchange their reading experiences and stimulate each other via a vlog in the Booqio app. Through the app, the students discover collectively and individually that reading books is not a nasty duty, but rather fun and social. The teacher is in control and can closely monitor the progress of each student and monitor skills. 

Booqio is the perfect complement to all existing educational programs. This groundbreaking digital reading inspiration tool is now available in the app store and Google Play.

The team

Passionate about rolling out digital platforms in various markets.

Eric Bakermans
Business Developer / CEO

Translates the Booqio concept into design and user experience.

Jochem Kools
Creative Director

Dutch teacher at Maerlant in Brielle and co-developer of the Booqio platform.

Carlin Bekkenutte
Dutch teacher
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